Hanuman and Surya

An inspiring relationship
Hanuman and Surya
Durga Shekher
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Hanuman’s relationship with Surya is underrated in the Ramayana.

The paths of Hanuman and Surya crossed on more than one occasion. And each occasion was rather colorful. Which isn’t surprising — when Surya’s radiance and Hanuman’s brilliance come together, the interaction has to be dazzling.

An Unusual Fruit

Anjana finished feeding her child Hanuman, but Hanuman was still hungry.

Hanuman saw a fruit some distance away. He flew up to catch up to the tree. He realized He had underestimated the distance to the fruit and kept soaring up and up.

Hanuman kept flying up without realizing that the fruit was the Sun.

Meanwhile, Indra was watching this an was alarmed at some earthling approaching the Sun. Was this a nefarious person who had an ulterior motive to capture the Sun? Without thinking it through, Indra hurled the Vajra at Hanuman, who fell down consconscious with a thud.

There was a collective gasp at this sight. Hanuman’s father Vayu, the Wind God, was unhappy at the injustice meted out to his innocent baby boy, and He cut off air supply for the entire world.

Nobody could breathe.

The Gods, gasping for breath, pleaded to Vayu to show mercy upon the world. Hanuman had regained consciousness, and Indra apologized to Him, and Vayu released air supply to the world.

Thus began the first interaction between Hanuman and Surya in an explosive way.

A Dedicated Teacher and Sincere Student Come Together

When it was time for Hanuman to go to school, Hanuman’s father Kesari sought out a capable teacher for Hanuman.

Kesari’s search led him to Surya. Upon Kesari’s instructions, Hanuman approached Surya and requested Surya to accept Him as His student. Surya immediately thought of the time Hanuman leapt up high thinking that Surya was a fruit. Surya tried to wriggle out of the request without explicitly saying No.

But Hanuman was persistent.

A good teacher does not turn away a student who thirsts for knowledge. Surya told Hanuman He was okay with the request in principle — but there was a problem. Surya is on the move all the time — how would a teaching arrangement work? No problem, said Hanuman. He positioned Himself opposite to Surya and traveled along with Surya, learning lessons on the go.

Hanuman was brilliant and learned the lessons on the first go. He completed His education in record time — mastering the Vedas, Upavedas and other scriptures.

Indeed, when Rama saw Hanuman for the first time, Hanuman’s speech possessed a sense of erudition that did not escape Rama’s notice.

“Gurudeva, what can I give You as Guru Dakshina?”, Hanuman asked His teacher.

Guru Dakshina

Surya sat in His armchair pensively, wondering whether to ask Hanuman for Guru Dakshina or not.

This was not the ordinary flavor of Guru Dakshina — He wanted to ask the impossible.

Seemingly impossible — nothing is impossible for Hanuman.

Surya made two requests:

  • Hanuman should protect Sugreeva, especially from Vali

  • Hanuman should bring Surya’s extranged son Shani back to Surya

Hanuman decided to go to Shani first — there was sufficient time to go to earth and protect Sugreeva. On the way to meet Shani, the planet Mangal (Mars) obstructed Hanuman’s ways. Hanuman did not have time to deal with Mangal — He placed Mangal under His armpits and proceeded to see Shani.

Shani’s attendants tried to stop Hanuman — by fighting Him, bribing Him with riches (lol), but Hanuman brushed them aside and soon came face to face with Shani. Hanuman asked Shani to accompany Him to Shani attacked Hanuman, but Hanuman quickly overpowered Shani.

Hanuman Hides Surya Under His Arms

During the battle, Ravana once attacked Lakshmana with a powerful weapon after sunset.

The antidote needed to be administered before sunrise to save Lakshmana. Jambavan instructed Hanuman on which herbs to procure and where to find them. Hanuman departed to procure the herbs.

Along the way, he saw Surya making His way towards the East. It was just midnight. Hanuman stopped Surya and made enquiries — It hadn’t even been a couple of hours since sunset — wasn’t it too early for the Sun to rise?

Surya explained that Ravana had given Him instructions to rise early, and Surya was afraid of Ravana. Hanuman argued that rising early would be unfair to Rama, and while Surya seemed to agree, He had one eye on Ravana’s palace.

Hanuman decided to take matters into His own hands. He called Surya closer, saying He had an idea. He made a gesture as if He was going to put His arms around Surya in a friendly gesture. Catching Surya off guard, He grabbed Surya and trapped Surya in His armpits(!).

Now, without the threat of the sun rising before the appointed hour, Hanuman brought the herbs and saved Lakshmana. As Rama thanked Hanuman, He noticed a shining light in Hanuman’s armpit. When Hanuman explained that it was Surya, a bemused Rama asked Hanuman to release Surya, and He did.

Hanuman and Karna

In the Mahabharata war, Hanuman was on the flagstaff of Arjuna’s chariot.

When Arjuna and Karna were battling each other, one of Karna’s arrows struck Krishna’s armour, exposing Krishna’s bare body. This infuriated Hanuman, who let out a thunderous roar. The entire battlefield shook at this roar. Karna’s bow fell from his hands. Karna and his charioteer Shalya both trembled with fear. Even Krishna was startled. Hanuman’s eyes were murderous. His fists were clenched with rage. His teeth were chattering. To say this was a scary sight is an understatement.

Krishna addressed Hanuman sternly, asking Hanuman to calm down. He told Hanuman that another roar would kill Karna, and it was Karna’s destiny to be killed by Arjuna. Furthermore, Karna is Surya’s son, and Surya is Hanuman’s Guru — it would not be becoming on Hanuman’s part to kill His Guru’s son. Hanuman calmed down, and normalcy returned.

I note that Hanuman protected Sugreeva, helped Shani, but was unable to help Karna. Karna battled against Arjuna. Krishna helped Arjuna. Krishna was none other than Rama in a different incarnation. Hanuman, of course, is a Rama Bhaktha through and through. Ergo, Hanuman could not, unfortunately, offer protection to Karna.

The Itihasa and Purana texts are replete with heart-warming stories. Most stories are well-known and retold often. The story of Hanuman reaching for the Sun is a famous story. The lesser known stories like Hanuman’s interaction with Karna are equally delightful.

Here is a shout out to the Ramayana and other delightful texts that soothe the soul.

Cultivating devotion to Lord Hanuman is the most beautiful way to lead a meaningful and rich life. He is known as Sankat Mochan or someone who takes away your difficulties. He also bestows devotion to his devotees. Download the free and incredible Vedic Sadhana app to deepen your bond with Lord Hanuman by performing Abhishekam, Hava, Japa, Nitya Pooja, and Sadhana of Lord Hanuman.
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