Jeevan Surabhi

Seasons of Life!

Swati Panda

I have always been someone enamored by nature’s beauty! Rains make me nostalgic, spring makes my heart sing, summers create a longing for something unknown, and winters promise better times to come. For me, the overarching narrative of the seasons has been either a reminder of the past or a hope for the future. It has never been the present, where we reside.

As I reflect on my life so far, I recall feeling restless, always thinking about the past or the future, what could have been or could be, instead of what is. As a result, I have always failed to appreciate the moment's beauty.

Yesterday, as I was taking a walk, on a beautiful, wintry, sunny afternoon, I somehow found myself in the throes of the present moment — the trees were fiery red and yellow, there was a gentle breeze, the sun was shining and Fall leaves smattered the streets. It was heaven! I could feel Nature’s blessings! It was peaceful and awe-inspiring. I carried this feeling with me for the rest of the day and slept with the day’s memory.

I woke up today to a foggy morning and was welcomed by the sight of an unearthly earth. It was … unearthly, and beautiful. Sometimes, it's hard to contain the beauty around you, and it overwhelms you. I shed a few tears and thanked Nature for this bountiful beauty.

As I reflected today on this experience, I felt that life too is not that different. One day it's sunny, the other day it's rainy and misty. Some like the sun, and some detest the wet. We are happy when life is sunny and everything is going our way, but are sad when we are going through a rough patch. But, aren’t these happy and sad times seasons of life? They add color, make us wiser, and keep life interesting. Without them, life would be so bland! Isn’t it?

So, enjoy the sun, drench in the rain, love the cold, and revel in the Fall, for the past is gone and the future is not here. Live in the present — that's all there is — the key to happiness.


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