Durga Shekher
Ishta Mahima

Hanuman’s Quests

Prahalad Rajkumar

Hanuman never wavered when it came to embarking on a mission.

His life is marked by a continuous series of unwavering dedication, with one mission after another, each undertaken as a profound responsibility. This is particularly significant because he approached each mission with steadfast enthusiasm and boundless energy, never succumbing to fatigue.

Here are three (among many) missions Hanuman undertook.

Mission to Find Sita

Hanuman’s mission to find Sita makes up the Sundara Kandam, one of the most beautiful pieces of Indian literature.

After Jambavan reminded Hanuman of His strengths, Hanuman assumed a massive form and leapt across the ocean to go to Lanka. Along the way, He encountered many obstacles.


A mountain appeared from nowhere and blocked Hanuman’s path.

Hanuman gave the mountain one tight thwack. Recovering quickly, the mountain said “I’m your father’s friend. Please refresh yourself before you proceed further.”

Comfort comes as a host, lingers to be a guest, and stays to enslave you.
Swami Chinmayananda

Hanuman recognized the perils of comfort, and politely declined Mainaka’s offer and continued His journey.


Hanuman’s next obstacle was an unusual nemesis.

A demoness called Surasa said Hanuman could go further only if He enters Surasa’s mouth. The idea, of course, was that Surasa would close her mouth and trap Hanuman. Surasa had obtained a boon that nobody could go past her without entering her mouth. Hanuman tried talking her out of this silly request, but Surasa would not relent.

Hanuman employed a strategem. He increased His size. So did Surasa. Hanuman continued to grow in size and so did Surasa. Suddenly, Hanuman turned very small, quickly entered Surasa’s gigantic mouth and came out.

Surasa, who was pleased with Hanuman’s wit, wished Him well on his journey ahead.


Hanuman’s next adversary was also an unusual one — Simhika caught her victims by their shadows.

Simhika caught Hanuman’s shadow and swallowed Him. Hanuman escaped rather quickly — He tore Simhika’s stomach and came out, killing her in the process.


Lankini was the guardin deity of Lanka. She prevented Hanuman from entering Lanka. Hanuman explained the purpose of His visit to Lankini, and sought permission to enter Lanka. Lankini was not amused, and attacked Hanuman. Hanuman’s code of conduct did not permit fighting women. However, He had a mission to fulfil. He made an exception and fell Lankini with a tight blow. To Hanuman’s amazement, Lankini did not retaliate — she knew about a prophecy which declared Ravana’s downfall would be brought by a monkey — she sadly noted that that time had arrived.

Having surmounted a variety of obstacles, Hanuman eventually found Sita, told Her that Rama will come to rescue Her, and flew back to give Rama the good news that He found Sita.

Mission to Procure Sanjeevani Herbs to Rescue Lakshmana

Lakshmana and Indrajit battled each other fiercely.

The battle was evenly matched. Indrajit then wielded the Shakti, the weapon Lord Brahma gave him on Lakshmana. Lakshmana immediately fell down unconscious.

Rama was disconsolate. He loved Lakshmana dearly, and could not bear to see His brother lying unconscious. The physician Sushena examined Lakshmana and said the Sanjeevani herb could revive Lakshmana back to life. But this herb was present in the Sanjeevani mountains which was located a fair distance away. Hanuman volunteered to make the trip and procure the herbs.

Ravana found out about Hanuman’s mission, and sent his uncle Kalanemi to kill Hanuman along the way. Kalanemi disguised himself as a saint and placed himself along Hanuman’s way. When Hanuman stopped to pay obeisance to the saint, Kalanemi offered Hanuman fruits, but asked him to first take a bath in the river, knowing that a fierce crocodile inhabited the river.

Hanuman went to the river to take a bath, and was rudely accosted by the crocodile. A fierce battle ensued and Hanuman killed the crocodile. It turned out that the crocodile was a divine being who was cursed by a sage. The divine being came out of the crocodile’s body, and warned Hanuman about Kalanemi.

Forewarned, Hanuman confronted Kalanemi and easily killed him. Hanuman then proceeded to the Sanjeevani mountain. There was one problem: Hanuman couldn’t identify which herb He had to take back. Hanuman found an out-of-the-box solution yet again: He carried the entire mountain back to Lakshmana!

Hanuman carrying an entire mountain was a sight to behold. He came in time to save Lakshmana. A delighted Rama said He had nothing to give Hanuman at the moment, and embraced Hanuman like a brother.

After Sushena revived Lakshana, Rama asked Hanuman to put back the Sanjeevani mountain in its place.

Mission to Get Garuda’s Help

Ravana’s son Indrajit was a well known sorcerer.

He had an unusual bag of tricks up his sleeve. He attacked Rama and Lakshmana with snake missiles (Naga pasha), rendering the mighty brothers unconscious.

Sushena, the physician, could not find a cure. Hanuman thought quickly on His feet. He made a quick trip to Vaikuntha to meet Garuda, Vishnu’s vehicle (vahana).

Garuda considers snakes as his arch enemies. Garuda’s half-brothers, who were snakes, cheated Garuda’s mother Vinata, who had to be a slave to the snakes’ mother Kadru. The righteous Garuda has harbored a grudge against snakes ever since.

Hanuman strategically approached Garuda, the enemy of snakes, to help with the Naga Pasha. “Say no more”, said Garuda on the mere mention of snakes, and rushed to the scene of the action. The mere presence of Garuda made the snakes shiver with fear, and they released Rama and Lakshmana and ran for their lives.

Hanuman saved the day yet again.

Cultivating devotion to Lord Hanuman is the most beautiful way to lead a meaningful and rich life. He is known as Sankat Mochan or someone who takes away your difficulties. He also bestows devotion to his devotees. Download the free and incredible Vedic Sadhana app to deepen your bond with Lord Hanuman by performing Abhishekam, Hava, Japa, Nitya Pooja, and Sadhana of Lord Hanuman.

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