Ishta Mahima

The Protection of the Divine

Akshay Om Iyer

Once day when Draupadi, the Pandavas, and Krishna were dining together, Draupadi suddenly grew sullen and moody. When Krishna quizzed her about her mood, she made the following retort.

You came quickly when my husbands invited you. However, why did you delay when I called you as I was being harassed in Hastinapur?

Krishna said he came as soon as she called him, and since she had asked the question, she would receive the appropriate answer.

When your husbands went to gamble, and Duryodhana said Shakuni will play on my behalf, why did they not think of me? They could have said Krishna would play on our behalf. However, they trusted their ability instead of trusting me. When they lost everything, and Dushasana dragged you into the throne room, what did you say first? You looked at your husbands and asked them to help you. Next, you begged all the elders in the room to stop this injustice, yet you never called me. After that, you pleaded with every person you trusted, and still, you did not remember me. You even asked Dushasana and Duryodhana to stop this gross violation of Dharma, but you did not think of me. When nothing worked, and Dushasana started disrobing you, you held on to your garment with all your strength instead of remembering me. When your strength finally failed you, you uttered my name and said, Krishna, save me. I came immediately. That gathering had the greatest warriors in the world. Could they harm you or outrage your modesty? Never say that I did not come. You did not call me, and without an invitation, how can I manifest for you.

This incident was narrated by my guru Om Swami during an event. He spoke about it with a gentleness and poignancy that brought tears to my eyes.

Many people call the Mahabharata the Dharma Yudha. They blame Draupadi as the woman for causing the war. That’s they typical response men have for most situations. Blame the women and move on. I don’t see the Mahabharat as the Dharma Yudha anymore. Dharma died the very day she was dragged into the hall and paraded around in front of lecherous eyes. It died when she had to run from pillar to post to try and protect her modesty while everyone felt the dignity of the court would be violated if they protected her. How is it that women have to bear the burden of being the custodians of modesty while men can plunder and yet be called conquerors? The war was simply the consequence of Dharma’s death. It was the price paid by humanity for standing back and allowing such actions to happen in society.

This is one of the most distressing incidents I have read in India mythology and the only balm I received was from the divine bhajan by Dr. Gurnam Singh. The video does not have embed permissions but do listen to it. It soothes the soul.

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