
5 verses on Spiritual Practice — Sadhana Panchakam

Ravi Om Trivedi

Sadhana Panchakam Stotram (साधना पंचकं स्तोत्रम) was written by Sri Adi Shankaracharya towards the end of his brief 32- year lifespan.

His disciples requested that he write a short text summarizing his approach to spiritual life.

Bringing all his experience to bear, the great Bhashyakara wrote the poem and formed the basis of these talks.

Sadhana Panchakam derives its name from the five verses comprising the poem, each dealing with spiritual practices.

Each verse contains 8 instructions, making a total of 40 instructions.

Despite their brevity, they are remarkable for their deep insight into revealing the very essence of Sadhana at every stage of one’s spiritual growth.

1. Study the Vedas daily.

2. Perform diligently the duties (sva dharma) ordained by scriptures.

3. Dedicate all those actions thus performed as worship unto GOD .

4. Renounce all desires in the mind . Gradually give up performance of selfish actions.

5. Wash away the hoards of sins in the bosom . Filter adharmic likes and dislikes.

6. Recognise that the pleasures of sense objects ( samsar ) are riddled with pain .

7. Seek the Self with consistent endeavour .

8. Escape from the bondage of “ home “. Detach the mind from worldliness.

9. Seek companionship with Those of Wisdom.

10. Be established in firm devotion to GOD.

11. Cultivate the virtues such as shanti etc . Gain mind control , sense control , withdrawal , forbearance , faith and focus .

12. Eschew all desire ridden actions.

13. Take shelter at a Perfect Master (Guru).

14. Everyday serve The Guru (teacher), and be humble in front of them.

15. Ask for Brahma Vidya (to your Guru).

16. Listen in depth to the Upanishadic declarations.

17. Reflect ever upon the meaning of the Upanishadic commandments.

18. Take refuge in the TRUTH OF BRAHMAN.

19. Avoid perverse arguments.

20. Follow the discriminative rationale of Sruti (Upanishads).

21. Always be absorbed in the attitude ( bhav ) — “ I AM BRAHMAN “.

22. Renounce pride, vanity, arrogance .

23. Give up the delusory misconception — “ I am the body. “

24. Give up totally the tendency to argue with Those of Wisdom.

25 . Consider hunger as a disease.

26. Daily take the medicine of Bhiksha — food , to treat the disease of hunger.

27. Beg no delicious food . Don't, crave that.

28. Live contentedly upon whatever comes to your way as prasadam as ordained by GOD.

29. Endure all the pairs of opposites: heat : cold, likes : dislikes, pleasure: pain. Be the witness to everything.

30. Avoid wasteful talks.

31. Maintain a attitude of happy indifference.

32. Do not get attached to either someone’s love or criticism.

33. In solitude, live joyously.

34. Quieten your mind in The Supreme.

35. Realise and see the all-pervading Self everywhere.

36. Recognise that the finite Universe is a projection of Self.

37. Conquer the effects of the deeds done(sanchit karma), by the present right action.

38. Through wisdom become detached from future actions (agami karma).

39. Experience and exhaust “ Prarabdha “ the fruits of past actions. Happily go through that.

40. Thereafter live absorbed in the bhav — “ I AM BRAHMAN “.

Translation Sources:, Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Mataji’s discourse

Upanishads present some of the most esoteric knowledge in the world. However, in ancient times, the guru would choose the brightest students to give them this knowledge. We are fortunate to have these texts available to us. However, in order to receive them we need to purify our minds and Vedic Sadhana is the most powerful way to do it. You can use the Vedic Sadhana app, which makes the ancient rituals and practices followed by the sages of India available for you.

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