
Human Life – Rarest of Rare

Ravi Om Trivedi

There are over 8.4 million species (as per science and scriptures) in the world. Out of all of the species, it is only in Human life, that one can reach liberation. It is a rare privilege to be in the human body.

Statistically, your chance of being born in Human life is 1 in 8.4 million (84 lakhs), which translates to 0.00001%. Such a rare life and such a precious gem. What are we doing in this birth?

Even devas, angels cannot attain liberation, with their bodies, and birth, and they may live in the heavens, but the ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth and death, and merger with the absolute Brahman is possible only in Human life.  This isn’t a statement of superiority, vs other species, but when it comes to liberation, this is the only gateway.

This birth is the doorway to liberation and we are so close to ultimate freedom, but do we realize that? Are we utilizing the body for the right purpose?

Adi Shankaracharya in his text Vivekchudamani says, for all beings, it is rare to be born in Human Body, and rarer is to be born in the Male body (as it is easier to take up the path socially, and this is not a discriminatory statement or any comparison),  and even rarer is to be a Brahmin (one who is by conduct, and not by caste),  and even rarer is one who is dedicated to the dharma marga, and even rarer is one who studies the Shastras, even rarer is one who possesses Viveka (power to differentiate between temporary and permanent). (verse 2/v2)

Three things are very rarer and only possible with the grace of God (v3)1.     Human Birth & Human Body2.     A desire for Liberation = Also known as Mukmukshatvam (मुमुक्षुत्वं )3.     Guidance of Perfect Sage/Guru = Mahapurusham Sanshray (महापुरुषसंश्रयः)

Bhagavad Gita also states (v7.3) –  Amongst thousands of persons, hardly one strives for self-realization/perfection; and amongst those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

What greater fool is there than the man who had obtained a rare human body, neglecting to achieve the real purpose of life? Such a person who is clinging to things unreal, and not exerting himself for self-liberation is committing suicide. (v4,5)There is no liberation without the realization of one’s identity with Brahman, not even in 100 Brahma lifetimes. (v6)

So, if you are reading this, that means you have all of these in some measure or completely. We have the guidance of Swami ji, and some/a lot of desire for liberation.  What more can we ask for? Let us now walk the path with dedication.

This liberation is attained through the well-earned merits of several lifetimes and through the grace of God.

This is not a judgment on worldly life, but a time to introspect and observe the things we are investing our energy in. Worldly life, and riches, driven by senses, cant fulfill our soul and we will remain incomplete, till we follow the path of Truth/Permanence.

Some candid thoughts by Adi Shankaracharya. It is for each of us to introspect, what is that we are doing to walk on the path, and how rare the current moment is

Do share your thoughts in the comments.

ps: Vivekachudamani is a Prakaran grant, a focussed text on Advaita Vedanta. The title means – Viveka (Discrimination) is the crown jewel. It shows the key attribute of seeker starts with the development of  Viveka (ability to differentiate in permanent and temporary), and opting for permanent.

Verses from Vivekachudamani in Sanskrit referenced here

जन्तूनां नरजन्म दुर्लभमतः पुंस्त्वं ततो विप्रता
तस्माद्वैदिकधर्ममार्गपरता विद्वत्त्वमस्मात्परम्।
आत्मानात्मविवेचनं स्वनुभवो ब्रह्मात्मना संस्थिति

र्मुक्तिर्नो शतकोटिजन्मसु कृतैः पुण्यैर्विना लभ्यते।।2।।

दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतद्देवानुग्रहहेतुकम्।
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः।।3।।

लब्ध्वा कथंचिन्नरजन्म दुर्लभं
तत्रापि पुंस्त्वं श्रुतिपारदर्शनम्।
यः स्वात्ममुक्त्यै न यतेत मूढधीः
स आत्महा स्वं विनिहन्त्यसद्ग्रहात्।।4।।

पठन्तु शास्त्राणि यजन्तु देवा
न्कुर्वन्तु कर्माणि भजन्तु देवताः।
इतः को न्वस्ति मूढात्मा यस्तु स्वार्थे प्रमाद्यति।
दुर्लभं मानुषं देहं प्राप्य तत्रापि पौरुषम्।।5।।

आत्मैक्यबोधेन विना विमुक्ति
र्न सिध्यति ब्रह्मशतान्तरेऽपि।।6।।

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